Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Conflict.

What was so bad about me stealing?

Did I receive punishment for my actions? Did someone catch me in the act of thievery? Yes. Apollo caught me while stealing the cattle, and was so disgusted by my actions he brought me to my father, Zeus. The conflict was mainly between me and that of Apollo, since Zeus, being my father, was kind of amused by what I had done, and wished no punishment on me, only that I return the cattle to the rightful owner. Other than the conflict between me and Apollo, I had a conflict with myself. I was mad at myself for what I had done, that I had caused Apollo stress and strain, so I decided that I would play him a song, and that's just what I did. Although, I played the song so well, Apollo forgave me, and the conflict of me stealing the cattle of Apollo, was resolved.

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