Monday, February 24, 2014

Hermes learned, a lot.

William (Monkey King) I would have never known you were born from a rock.
Tom (Coyote) You are fighting Raven for eternity, I hear.
Sidney Lamb (Thor) Only you can lift Mjollnir, your hammer.
Belle (Ra) You created everyone with your tears.
Ethan (Odin) Oh my, the battle of Ragnarok will live on for eternity, unlike you.
Rosie (Loki) "Son" of Odin, you possess a horse, inside of a horse.
Cassie (Balder) You were strange, dreaming your own death.
Roseanna (Set) Why did you stuff Osiris in a chest, and spread him across the lands.
Rena (Freya) You cry golden tears.
Carly (Dionysus) You were born on Zeus's thigh.
Caleb (Jade Emperor) You were born in a gigantic flash of light.
Niami (Demeter) You are in charge of keeping man alive.
Connor (HERMES!) Ah myself, I stole Apollo's cattle, because I am a thief.
Max (Raven) You are fighting Coyote, and you provide light to man.
Maggie (Isis) You cursed Ra.
Annelise (Artemis) You were spied upon by Actaeon, while bathing.
Sidney (Osiris) Had her remains spread across the lands by Ra.
Jamie (Apollo) Is the most worshiped of the gods.
Kelsey (Horus) Was the King of Egypt.

Friday, February 14, 2014

The journey of betrayal.

The cattle was not worth the shame.

I was persistent, in my mistake, I had made a choice, and it must be carried out. I made a plan to steal the cattle, and without much searching, I had found them. I took off all their hooves and switched them backwards, and hid them in a cave. Once my plan had been executed, I hid in Mount Cyllene, where I was born. While asleep, I felt someone grab me. Apollo, my worst fear had been realized, I had been caught, and even worse than that, he was going to bring me to the throne of Zeus. I didn't realize why my actions had been seen so horrible, as I thought it was funny, and so did Zeus. Apollo didn't understand or care to reason to understand as well, he was furious. I had created an enemy, and if Zeus hadn't found my deed amusing, it would have been much worse. Once I realized that Apollo despised what I had done, I was mad. I was not mad at him, but myself. I had broken the trust of my half-brother, for amusement, as I am a trickster. I must fix this, I must regain his trust someway, somehow, and I know just the way to do it. My lyre, my instrument of choice, I will use this and play Apollo the greatest song I have ever played, and that's just what I did. Apollo was so impressed with my song, that he forgave me. I had escaped the rath of my fellow god.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

With this lyre, I can resolve anything.

The lyre, my instrument of choice, will guide me out of this sticky situation.

As you know by now, I did something not so noble, I stole Apollo's cattle. I was sent to Zeus, and demanded that I return the cattle to Apollo, so I did. But this was not good enough for me, I was ashamed, I had stolen his cattle and had nothing to show for it. So I pulled out my lyre, and I played with my heart and soul so well to Apollo, he forgave me. Through my skills and wit, I had escaped Apollo's rath.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Where it went wrong.

My mischief had landed me in the wrong spot.

I was caught. Apollo had caught me in the act of stealing his beloved cattle, and I had nothing to show for it. He marched up to my cave, and took me to Mount Olympus, to appear before Zeus. I had disappointed Apollo with my actions, and felt horrible. Zeus, however, found it amusing, to my surprise. This could have ended in massive punishment, but instead ended up with me returning the cattle of Apollo, after which I played him a glorious song on my lyre.

The Conflict.

What was so bad about me stealing?

Did I receive punishment for my actions? Did someone catch me in the act of thievery? Yes. Apollo caught me while stealing the cattle, and was so disgusted by my actions he brought me to my father, Zeus. The conflict was mainly between me and that of Apollo, since Zeus, being my father, was kind of amused by what I had done, and wished no punishment on me, only that I return the cattle to the rightful owner. Other than the conflict between me and Apollo, I had a conflict with myself. I was mad at myself for what I had done, that I had caused Apollo stress and strain, so I decided that I would play him a song, and that's just what I did. Although, I played the song so well, Apollo forgave me, and the conflict of me stealing the cattle of Apollo, was resolved.

Whom my mistake entails.

Whom had partaken in my thievery.

Who are the unfortunate people to be involved in my "myth?" Myself of course, which I had done the stealing part, even what is thought to be rearranging the cattles hooves, putting them backwards. Other than myself, the person that owned the cattle, and my eventual captor, Apollo. Apollo owned the cattle, and once he had seen what had become of them, he sweeped me from my cave on Mount Cyllene, and took me to the throne of Zeus. Zues didn't punish me, and instead asked that I returned the cattle at once. The gods have been kind to me for this day.


I was born in a cave...

Mount Cyllene, where I was born.

It was a dark night, the woman who gave birth to me, Maia, was relaxing in her cave on Mount Cyllene in Acadia when Zeus, the one who I today call father, entered the scene. Zeus and Maia conceded, and there-forth, I was born, in a cave on Mount Cyllene from my mother Maia and my father Zeus, who had snuck away from Hera so she would not expect him. Mount Cyllene is located between Arcadia and Achaea, and is much different from the setting of Mount Olympus which I am commonly attributed with. The name came from Cyllene, a woman who herself, was actually a mountain.

Mount Cyllene is now known as Mount Kyllini.