Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cultural Pieces of Hermes

Cultural pieces of Hermes

 Hermes in Disney, as portrayed above by Disney is shown in the films, Hercules, which is also an animated series. In the film Hermes plays as his usual self as portrayed by the Greek myth, and gives off more of a relaxed, chilled out, easy going guy who is loyal to those with whom he shares his lands with.

The Sculpture of Hermes and the infant Dionysus, the painting is world renowned as to be a work from the famous Praxiteles, a sculpture known for sculting the full woman body, which he lived around the 4th century. This sculpture is of Hermes, carrying Dionysus, with a half cut off outreached arm, believed to be reaching out to the other children of the World.
Hermes in Marvel Comics, where he was seen as a man with superhuman strength, speed, and ability. He is known to have kidnapped Hercules, upsetting Zeus, on his journey to stop the evil that accompanies their land.

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